Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Are you really strong?

Student: Why is there a sudden discussion about women empowerment and safety?

Teacher: It's not just now, these discussions have been on the table for quite some time now. The world has gotten smaller with the coming of technology so thoughts and opinions of people are up for broadcast easily today.

Student: Is it true that all the men around the world overpower women?

Teacher: Not necessarily. There are many reasons for a person to be assertive over another. A relationship is formed when two or more people come together and it is by nature for one person to be stronger over another, For example, take this class, ideally the Teacher is has more power because you as students have sought me to gain knowledge. But that might not be necessarily the same always.

Student: So, do you mean to say that men are also treated badly.

Teacher: Why do you want to just confine this discussion to men and women. Look at this from a broader perspective. Children are abused by the elders in many places and people belonging to the LGBT community have suffered a lot by the so called normal people for ages. So it is clear that when a person finds himself weak or without support, the others strong arm to show their strength.

Student: Is it necessary always be the stronger of the two? How do we do that?

Teacher: To answer this question I will take the support of the famous saying "Survival of the fittest". You must understand the correct meaning of this phrase. The proper understanding would be that when Lions fight in between each other, one must be fit to survive the duel. But unfortunately it is understood that for the Lions to survive, they must destroy the weaker animals. If all the Lions stood against a flock of sheep with an ambition to destroy them, obviously that will result in the extinction of the humble sheep. And after that the Cow, Deer and the like will follow. At last there will only be Lions, who will eventually perish due to hunger. So it is not always essential to destroy another to show that you are stronger than the other.

Student: I'm unable to follow you. So to be the strongest does not necessarily mean to destroy others?

Teacher: Everything that was said or written has been with reference to a certain context. We as Humans have been blessed with a sixth sense and that is to distinguish the better of the two. So unless it is a matter of survival, there is no point in being the strongest.